Friday, April 27, 2012

If my video card is ddr then i have i ddr3 video card would it be fit to my motherboard?

i have ATI Radeon HIS HD3850 IceQ3 Turbo AGP will it fit to my pc my current video card is geforce mx440 theyr' both AGP... im afraid to put it on my mother board|||If they are AGP they should fit. Check the power requirement on it and if it meets the requirement, use the video card. But check the specs, maybe one of them is better than the other one.|||what is there to fear? if they are both AGP and you have AGP slot on your (old) PC, then go for it.

If it is dusty inside, then hoover it out and brush the AGP slot to get it scrupulously clean.|||both are AGP so you can use it.|||AGP to AGP upgrading,,,, not a problem, check for SMPS to meet power requirements.|||Are they both 8x or 4x or what?

Make sure that your motherboard supports the "x" number. AGP comes in 1x,2x,4x,8x, and, I think, 12x. I forget. Most motherboards support two of those numbers.

I don't know what will happen if your motherboard does not support the "x" number of the card. Will it short out and go up in smoke?? Well, I doubt it. Probably just won't work. Maybe the higher one will revert to the lower one. I don't know - I never mixed the two...

PS: Do NOT "hoover it out!" Vacuum cleaners generate a fair amount of static electricity, which is the enemy of all mosfets (integrated circuits). Good advice to clean it out, but use a can of compressed air. NOT a vacuum cleaner!

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