Friday, April 27, 2012

You know some motherboards accepts ddr2 memorys so on video cards mostly there ddr3?

does ddr3 video card works on ddr2 acccepting memory on motherboards|||the ddr2 limit on motherboards is a limit on the actual ram sticks that go in the slots on the motherboard. since a video cards ram is on its PCB and uses the video cards slot to transfer data, it is not limited by the motherboard


the video card ram and motherboard ram do not have to match|||YES the Graphics card ram has nothing to do with the Video ram as the Card has its own G CPU and runs its own speed on it, you may say it is like an Amp gets the signal from your Motherboard and fasten and coverts it to much higher speds.

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  1. Melanjutkan dari artikel sebelumnya yang berjudul "Rumus Menang Full Mix Parlay & Cara Menghitung". Sekarang kami akan ajarkan rumus mix parlay bila kamu menang setengah atau (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)
